Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Snuggie Sr.

Oh how I love my Snuggie Sr. ...

This is what I wake up to every morning! So snuggly, so much snugginess going on in my bed! Kyle is always out of town so Snuggie is all I have and he such a good boy! He loooooves to play but early in the morning his nickname "Snuggie" rings true.

ps...I have no idea why everything is underlined...I can't make it stop!


Julia Loves David said...

Hey Amy - So I've decided to start my own blog. As of now, you are my only blogger friend. So I love the Snuggie Sr. photo - supper cute! I'm sure little Snuggie will get jealous when Kyle returns and kicks him out of bed. :)

Julia Loves David said...

David wants to know who Snuggie Jr. is?

Ash and Christian said...

I love Snuggie!

You're so funny with your out-of-control underlining.

Amy said...

Well to respond to David and Julia's question...I, of course, am snuggie Jr. !!!! I have been known to be a pretty good snuggler myself! And the new baby is Snuggie Biddy. We're nerds...I know!

Julia Loves David said...

All right, I'm glad we have all of the Jr.'s and Sr.'s figured out. Haha - you guys are so cute!!!

Sarah Hull said...

What a precious picture. Poor Snuggie... when that new baby girl comes he is going to be traumatized.