Saturday, January 31, 2009


Here is our Bday girl. She showed up a little late to her party due to a late nap. She had a grand entrance with her whole party waiting. A friend of mine made her the cutest leopard tutu to wear for her big day...THANK YOU JODEE!

Proud Grandpas

Audrey with her Aunt Rachie

Audrey with her Aunt Sarah

Kacey, JJ (soon to be uncle JJ), Brett and Kristi...all aunts and uncles

Above is Audrey with her Aunt Kellie (wonderful photographer of the night) and Uncle Brett

Below is Audrey's Uncle David, Aunt Julia and Julia's little sister Jackie
Audrey and Jackie

The Larsen Family...our best buddies.
Audrey with her Grandma Audrey (namesake Grandma)

KT, Me and the cake

We celebrated with Spritzers...of course. I celebrated with a spritzer the day Audrey was born and I'll celebrate Audrey's Birthday every year with one. It's our Birthday tradition.

Audrey is a pro at opening presents. She LOVED everything she got. A HUGE thanks to everyone for all the wonderful presents. Audrey is so busy with all her new toys.

Audrey gave her new clothing a hug every time she opened up clothing items. It was so funny...she was raised to appreciate cute clothes!

I purchased Audrey's cake from Rossmoor Pastries...My FAV. bakery. I designed it myself and I was so happy with the way it turned out.

Audrey got a mini cake to match for herself. It was HYSTERICAL to see her eat it. She put her face into the cake and ate right off the cake. She had her fists full of cake and didn't want to let it go so she put her face into the cake to continue eating.

She shopped around with her buddy Ava
Audrey usually hates when I sing to her at night while I'm putting her to bed. On her bday night she was fighting sleep unusually hard and I started singing the Birthday song to her just for fun and she totally quit fussing and fell asleep to the Birthday song. I pretty much cried myself to sleep afterwards, it was just so randomly perfect. She is such a nut...I just love my crazy little Audie B. !!!!

Kellie...Thank you for the adorable pics!


Braden and Jodee said...

Those are GREAT pictures. I'm so glad that tutu worked out, she looked adorable! I LOVE your cake designing skills. Looks like a fabulously cute party :)

Brooke said...

Wow!!! I can't believe a year has already gone by...time flies, huh?

Looks like she had a wonderful first birthday....she is such a blessed little girl to be surrounded by so many family members!

That tutu was darling and so was the are molding her into quite the little fashionista!

We love and miss you guys and are so happy you are enjoying parenthood!!! xo

Kellie said...

Happy Birthday Aud!! She is a bundle of JOY and we LOVE her. You're SUCH a great mom. She's lucky.

ps-you're welcome! Always my pleasure.

Olive-us said...

I have tears...
Spritzers, the outfit, the cakes, the Leopard balloons (your favorite), falling asleep to the birthday song...tears.
Tears, tears, tears!!!

Sarah W. said...

Yes, what a wonderful day this was! Lil baby is not so lil anymore! You made her day so over the top! Amy you are a great Mom! I am honored to be her Aunt and I am extremely grateful that I can be apart of her life. She brings the party, just like her Momma! So much love!! XO.

The Hull Family said...

What a beautiful little birthday girl. She is darling! and I love that tutu!! Congratulations to you and Kyle on one year of being parents!

Heather said...

I love her cake! She is so dang cute Amy. I am so glad to have a friend like you and one day Nickolas will appreciate Audrey too! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Presley family said...

Oh what a fun party! LOVE the cake!!! She is too cute in her Jodee tutu! What a perfect Diva b-day for a perfect princess!! wink!!

Natalie said...

Please write that down in a journal for Audrey. That is a heart warming ending for a fun filled day!

Sarah Hull said...

stop. stop. stop it! With all of it. Don't even get me started about that cake... and the tutu and then the birthday song about did me in!

Trisha said...

When did you become a cake designer?! It is adorable! Love that you celebrate with spritzers...I'm about to get me some in a few weeks!!!Audrey is as cute as ever!

Hess Fam said...

I'm dying over her cuteness. i'm dying over her cake. and i'm DYING over your spritzer tradition! I love all 3!

Julia Loves David said...

I loved her first birthday party!! It was so special, not to mention how adorable she looked all in pink with the little tutu!! The cakes were adorable, and Audrey was especially cute when she figured out how to get a better bite of the frosting! She will love looking at all of these pictures as she gets older :)

Shelley said...

It's hard to believe that Audrey is already a year old. She is SO Beautiful!