Monday, August 18, 2008

Tore Up!

Kyle and I are one tore up pair! I have had an infected cyst on my arm for the last couple weeks. It's been so gross and painful. Then...Friday night while pulling a pan of bacon out of the oven Kyle got an awful grease burn. Poor guy! It was alarmingly painful. It hurt SUPER bad for hours too. This is the blister that came after the burn. I thought my cyst was pretty gnarly but then Kyle's blister came to town and totally blew my ugly cyst away.

On a much happier note...we got to visit Princess Olive for her big princess Birthday party! Here we are with our gift and with Princess Collin in the cutest tutu.


Brooke said...

OMG....that burn is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nasty!!! I hope you both get well soon! We love and miss you! xo

Ash and Christian said...

That burn is not even funny. Ava was just getting too close to the oven and we pulled up the picture to show her what happens when you get too close to hot stuff. So thank you for the learning moment.

Poor KT. Your cyst looks great compared to that.

Braden and Jodee said...

Okay, seriously? I am eating my nightly bowl of Crispix, and about hurled. Poor Kyle!

The Peterson's said...

Ohh man! I thought my poison oak was pretty nasty!

Kenny said...

I did NOT expect to see a picture like that anywhere except maybe Web MD! I hope you are both back to your beautiful selves soon. I hope you had fun at Olive's party...I completely forgot! Want to have lunch this week?

Rebecca Whitcomb North said...

Ouchy! I'm so sorry. It's bad enough having one spouse in discomfort, but two is much worse, especially when one has a burn as severe as that. I hope you two feel better and heal fast.

Kellie said...

Wow wow wow!! That's worse than I was imagining! (Kyle's blister, that is!) OUCH!!!

Hess Fam said...

WAIT....he really needs to go see a doctor about that burn. Seriously. That is so bad. Oh I'm dying. I can't even comment on the other fun pictures.

Sally said...

bryant said it was bad, but that is really bad! and your poor arm! gosh! i have been wondering who is holding audrey because her parents are totally "tore up!" let me help you! i think you need some Sees asap!

~Janet~ said...

Woah!! Kyle! Amy! You must both be in such pain! Did you guys go to the doctor or what?? Ouch!

Presley family said...

OH my goodness!!! That is just awful!!! You poor guys!!!He needs help ASAP. Has he been to a doc???

A Rosie Family said...

OH.. MY ..BURN! I hope you both are feeling better and I hope poor Kyle got some cream or something for that hand!

Glad to see that little Audrey is looking just as cute as ever!

Trena said...

Ok - that burn is just sooo bad! I feel so sorry for Kyle! Could you imagine popping that?? Gross!

Amy said...

I know you guys...that burn is so out of control! We've both been to the Dr and are feeling a lot better.

Sarah Hull said...

oops. sorry "sally" was really "sarah"... if you have not figured that out yet. Glad to hear you all are on the mend.

Julia Loves David said...

Ahhhh! I can't believe how bad his burn is :( It makes me super sad to think of how bad that must have hurt :( Yes, I'm sure you are grateful for your cyst after his hand accident. He seriously needs a dr.